About Me

Hi. My name is Immy. Welcome.
Personal websites are probably a bit self-serving, narcissistic and redundant: Three reasons why I started this blog in the first place.
Who \\ Immy – Although I go by Im, David, You, Big Fella, The Annoying One, and Imran
What \\ I’m Head of Digital Content and Operations at Channel 9. I watch people build websites, spend all day typing on a computer and overusing the word “engage”.
When \\ I joined Channel 9 in 2008. Prior to Nine, I worked in content creation at Telstra BigPond.
Where \\ Live in Sydney
Why \\ Passion
Facts about me:
I interned for two weeks on McLeod’s Daughters
I religiously watch approximately 27 television shows each week
I'm obsessed with a dog named Emma
My favourite fruit is Watermelon
I once got to sit on Delta’s Chair on The Voice